7 research outputs found

    Load Classification: A Case Study for Applying Neural Networks in Hyper-Constrained Embedded Devices

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    open2noThe application of Artificial Intelligence to the industrial world and its appliances has recently grown in popularity. Indeed, AI techniques are now becoming the de-facto technology for the resolution of complex tasks concerning computer vision, natural language processing and many other areas. In the last years, most of the the research community efforts have focused on increasing the performance of most common AI techniques—e.g., Neural Networks, etc.—at the expenses of their complexity. Indeed, many works in the AI field identify and propose hyper-efficient techniques, targeting high-end devices. However, the application of such AI techniques to devices and appliances which are characterised by limited computational capabilities, remains an open research issue. In the industrial world, this problem heavily targets low-end appliances, which are developed focusing on saving costs and relying on—computationally—constrained components. While some efforts have been made in this area through the proposal of AI-simplification and AI-compression techniques, it is still relevant to study which available AI techniques can be used in modern constrained devices. Therefore, in this paper we propose a load classification task as a case study to analyse which state-of-the-art NN solutions can be embedded successfully into constrained industrial devices. The presented case study is tested on a simple microcontroller, characterised by very poor computational performances—i.e., FLOPS –, to mirror faithfully the design process of low-end appliances. A handful of NN models are tested, showing positive outcomes and possible limitations, and highlighting the complexity of AI embedding.openAndrea Agiollo; Andrea OmiciniAndrea Agiollo; Andrea Omicin

    Towards Quality-of-Service Metrics for Symbolic Knowledge Injection

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    The integration of symbolic knowledge and sub-symbolic predictors represents a recent popular trend in AI. Among the set of integration approaches, Symbolic Knowledge Injection (SKI) proposes the exploitation of human-intelligible knowledge to steer sub-symbolic models towards some desired behaviour. The vast majority of works in the field of SKI aim at increasing the predictive performance of the sub-symbolic model at hand and, therefore, measure SKI strength solely based on performance improvements. However, a variety of artefacts exist that affect this measure, mostly linked to the quality of the injected knowledge and the underlying predictor. Moreover, the use of injection techniques introduces the possibility of producing more efficient sub-symbolic models in terms of computations, energy, and data required. Therefore, novel and reliable Quality-of-Service (QoS) measures for SKI are clearly needed, aiming at robustly identifying the overall quality of an injection mechanism. Accordingly, in this work, we propose and mathematically model the first – up to our knowledge – set of QoS metrics for SKI, focusing on measuring injection robustness and efficiency gain

    Shallow2Deep: Restraining Neural Networks Opacity through Neural Architecture Search

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    Recently, the Deep Learning (DL) research community has focused on developing efficient and highly performing Neural Networks (NN). Meanwhile, the eXplainable AI (XAI) research community has focused on making Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning methods interpretable and transparent, seeking explainability. This work is a preliminary study on the applicability of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) (a sub-field of DL looking for automatic design of NN structures) in XAI. We propose Shallow2Deep, an evolutionary NAS algorithm that exploits local variability to restrain opacity of DL-systems through NN architectures simplification. Shallow2Deep effectively reduces NN complexity – therefore their opacity – while reaching state-of-the-art performances. Unlike its competitors, Shallow2Deep promotes variability of localised structures in NN, helping to reduce NN opacity. The proposed work analyses the role of local variability in NN architectures design, presenting experimental results that show how this feature is actually desirable

    Graph Neural Networks as the Copula Mundi between Logic and Machine Learning: A Roadmap

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    Combining machine learning (ML) and computational logic (CL) is hard, mostly because of the inherently- different ways they use to represent knowledge. In fact, while ML relies on fixed-size numeric repre- sentations leveraging on vectors, matrices, or tensors of real numbers, CL relies on logic terms and clauses—which are unlimited in size and structure. Graph neural networks (GNN) are a novelty in the ML world introduced for dealing with graph- structured data in a sub-symbolic way. In other words, GNN pave the way towards the application of ML to logic clauses and knowledge bases. However, there are several ways to encode logic knowledge into graphs: which is the best one heavily depends on the specific task at hand. Accordingly, in this paper, we (i) elicit a number of problems from the field of CL that may benefit from many graph-related problems where GNN has been proved effective; (ii) exemplify the application of GNN to logic theories via an end-to-end toy example, to demonstrate the many intricacies hidden behind the technique; (iii) discuss the possible future directions of the application of GNN to CL in general, pointing out opportunities and open issues

    Symbolic Knowledge Injection meets Intelligent Agents: QoS metrics and experiments

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    Bridging intelligent symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors is a long-standing research goal in AI. Among the recent integration efforts, symbolic knowledge injection (SKI) proposes algorithms aimed at steering sub-symbolic predictors’ learning towards compliance w.r.t. pre-existing symbolic knowledge bases. However, state-of-the-art contributions about SKI mostly tackle injection from a foundational perspective, often focussing solely on improving the predictive performance of the sub-symbolic predictors undergoing injection. Technical contributions, in turn, are tailored on individual methods/experiments and therefore poorly interoperable with agent technologies as well as among each others. Intelligent agents may exploit SKI to serve many purposes other than predictive performance alone—provided that, of course, adequate technological support exists: for instance, SKI may allow agents to tune computational, energetic, or data requirements of sub-symbolic predictors. Given that different algorithms may exist to serve all those many purposes, some criteria for algorithm selection as well as a suitable technology should be available to let agents dynamically select and exploit the most suitable algorithm for the problem at hand. Along this line, in this work we design a set of quality-of-service (QoS) metrics for SKI, and a general-purpose software API to enable their application to various SKI algorithms—namely, platform for symbolic knowledge injection (PSyKI). We provide an abstract formulation of four QoS metrics for SKI, and describe the design of PSyKI according to a software engineering perspective. Then we discuss how our QoS metrics are supported by PSyKI. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of both our QoS metrics and PSyKI via a number of experiments, where SKI is both applied and assessed via our proposed API. Our empirical analysis demonstrates both the soundness of our proposed metrics and the versatility of PSyKI as the first software tool supporting the application, interchange, and numerical assessment of SKI techniques. To the best of our knowledge, our proposals represent the first attempt to introduce QoS metrics for SKI, and the software tools enabling their practical exploitation for both human and computational agents. In particular, our contributions could be exploited to automate and/or compare the manifold SKI algorithms from the state of the art. Hence moving a concrete step forward the engineering of efficient, robust, and trustworthy software applications that integrate symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors

    GNN4IFA: Interest Flooding Attack Detection With Graph Neural Networks

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    In the context of Information-Centric Networking, Interest Flooding Attacks (IFAs) represent a new and dangerous sort of distributed denial of service. Since existing proposals targeting IFAs mainly focus on local information, in this paper we propose GNN4IFA as the first mechanism exploiting complex non-local knowledge for IFA detection by leveraging Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) handling the overall network topology. In order to test GNN4IFA, we collect SPOTIFAI, a novel dataset filling the current lack of available IFA datasets by covering a variety of IFA setups, including ?40 heterogeneous scenarios over three network topologies. We show that GNN4IFA performs well on all tested topologies and setups, reaching over 99% detection rate along with a negligible false positive rate and small computational costs. Overall, GNN4IFA overcomes state-of-the-art detection mechanisms both in terms of raw detection and flexibility, and – unlike all previous solutions in the literature – also enables the transfer of its detection on network topologies different from the one used in its design phase

    The Quarrel of Local Post-hoc Explainers for Moral Values Classification in Natural Language Processing

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    Although popular and effective, large language models (LLM) are characterised by a performance vs. transparency trade-off that hinders their applicability to sensitive scenarios. This is the main reason behind many approaches focusing on local post-hoc explanations recently proposed by the XAI community. However, to the best of our knowledge, a thorough comparison among available explainability techniques is currently missing, mainly for the lack of a general metric to measure their benefits. We compare state-of-the-art local post-hoc explanation mechanisms for models trained over moral value classification tasks based on a measure of correlation. By relying on a novel framework for comparing global impact scores, our experiments show how most local post-hoc explainers are loosely correlated, and highlight huge discrepancies in their results—their “quarrel” about explanations. Finally, we compare the impact scores distribution obtained from each local post-hoc explainer with human-made dictionaries, and point out that there is no correlation between explanation outputs and the concepts humans consider as salient